We are excited to present our latest interface innovation that will make it easier to create and edit complex events, the Planning Matrix!
The Planning Matrix is a compact, editable table that allows you to view events holistically and easily edit spend by brand, by tactic, or both. In addition, it lets users switch between using absolute dollars or percentages to plan events top-down or bottom-up.
How To Open the Planning Matrix
Inside Event details screen, look for the “Open Matrix” button on top right:
From the Tactics page, when in Group By Event mode, click on the three-dot action menu on the far right of the Event line and select “Open Matrix”.
When to use the Matrix
Here are some typical use cases for Matrix planning:
I know how much I want to spend by brand and by tactic and want to build my plan bottom-up.
A good example is a complex scale event with multiple brands that are featured across multiple tactics. “Dollar” mode allows you to enter tactic spend totals, brand/product totals, or even work quickly within the cross section - plugging in amounts where needed, if not all brands are featured in all tactics. You will see the cost of the event adding up on top left as you plan bottom-up.
I know dollar spend by tactic but need to break out cost by brand as percent of total
When running scale events, you may need to assign cost of tactics by brand based on net sales, or how prominently the brand is featured in a program.
Example: digital media and landing page featuring three brands as part of dinner meal solutions campaign. One of the brands is featured most prominently and accounts for 90% of spend.
1. Start adding brands and tactics in Dollar mode.
2. Enter total tactic cost.
3. Switch to Percent mode to adjust from the default 33.33% split by brand to a weighted split (ex. 90/5/5).
I know dollar spend by brand but need to estimate the tactic costs.
A good example is a “Retailer package” program where you know funding available by brand but only know directional percent split by tactic.
Start planning in “Dollar” mode. Add brands and tactics to rows and columns. Add cost by brand. Switch to “Percent” mode to adjust tactic % split by (if the default 50/50 is not accurate).
I know total event cost and need to calculate a non-working fees as % of total
A typical use case is when the total cost of the program is known, and you need to break out agency fee/commission as a fixed percent. The matrix interface is ideal to execute the split between working and non-working tactics.
1. Start working in Percent mode and enter total program cost.
2. Add brands and two tactics (ex. working/Search - 97% and non-working/Agency Fees - 3%).
The matrix will automatically calculate the split for each participating brand.
And, if your brand-specific funding goes up or down, you can just open the matrix in Dollar mode, lock the tactic percentage split and adjust the dollar values for each brand.The new tactic cost with the same percent split between tactic will remain!
The Planning Matrix lets you enter events from scratch or to edit existing events. When you save the matrix, the system updates both Estimated and Allocated Spend by default. However, you may choose to only update Estimates spend (likely in rare cases).