Budget Transfer allows users to move money between funds in one quick step and records all transaction details in an exportable budget change log.
How to complete a Budget Transfer
1. Go to the Budgets page and find the budget that you want to transfer funds from.
2. Click on the three-dot menu to the far right of the budget line and select Transfer Funds
3. In the Transfer Funds screen, select the Team and Retailer and Budget name for the budget you want to transfer funds into.
4. If you need to create a new budget to transfer funds into, select Create new budget in the Budget Name drop down.
5. Enter the Amount to transfer. The left side of the transfer screen will update to show the remaining Disbursed amount from the source budget.
6. Entering a Description for the transfer is optional, but recommended. The description field shows on the Budget Change Log and provides helpful reference information.
7. If you are making more than one transfer from the source budget, click the plus icon for Add Another Budget and repeat the same steps.
8. Click the Transfer button to complete the transaction.
Budget Change Log
The Budget Change Log captures all of the granular details associated with budget-related transactions including budget creation, increases, decreases, transfers, and deletions. It is pivot-ready and can be used to easily summarize data in Excel.
To access the Budget Change Log, click on the download icon in the upper right of the Budgets page.
Select Export Change Log option to download current year budget changes.
The downloaded file will contain the details organized in pivot-ready format in the following fields:
Field | Description |
Transaction ID | Unique ID for each budget change action. Budgets that are impacted by the same transfer action will have the same Transaction ID. |
Date/Time | Date/Time stamp when transfer took place. |
Action | Action Taken: Budget Created, Budget Increased, Budget Reduced, Budget Deleted, Transferred From (Debit); Transferred To (Credit) |
Change Amount | Amount of funds that have been added to or removed from the budget |
Action Taken By | User who creates, changes, deletes the budget or initiates the transfer. Can be different from Budget Owner. |
Change Description | Optional field to provide comments about budget transfer. Same comment will appear in all impacted budgets for a given transfer |
Budget System ID | Shopperations Budget database ID. Helpful in case budget name changes throughout the year. |
Budget Name | A given name for the budget. |
Budget Owner | Person who is in charge of managing the budget. Please note, any user with Budget Owner permissions on the same team can transfer funds in and out of any budget for the team, even if they do not currently own the budgets that are being impacted. |
Team | Team where the budget belongs. |
Retailer | Retailer where the budget belongs. |
Budget Category | Business Unit or company division that is funding the budget. |
Budget Brand | Brand within Category that is funding the budget. |
Budget Product | Product within Brand that is funding the budget. |
Budget Type | Depending on organization, budget types can vary. |
Budget Timing | If enabled for your organization, budgets can be labelled with Full Year, H1, H2, Q1-Q4 to indicate when budgets are supposed to be spent. |
Budget ID | If used, this refers to unique budget ID from client's other systems. |
Budget Designation | Media/A&P (a.k.a Non-Coupon) or Redemption (a.k.a. Coupon) or Any/Both - indicates the types of activities that the budget is funding. |
Disbursed Budget | Amount of funds given to plan against. |
Allocated Budget | Amount of funds currently planned and tied to a tactic, brand and product. |
VAR (D-A) | Difference between Disbursed and Allocated, in other words, un-planned funds available to transfer. Please note, the system allows to transfer all disbursed funds, not just un-allocated/un-planned. |