Shopperations Report Engine has a lot of fields that can be combined in a multitude of ways to build a wide array of useful reports. To better understand what the names of the fields mean, below is the list of fields in Shopperations Report Engine and their definitions.
Budget Name - A descriptive nickname for a budget that users can easily understand. Doesn't have to be unique. If Shopperations "Fixed budgets names" feature is enabled for the organization, the users will be able to pick budget names from a pre-determined by the admin list of drop downs. If the feature is disabled, budget names are entered by users in free-form.
Budget Category - Business Unit or Division that the budget comes from/belongs to. Some budgets, for instance, Scale program budgets, can be agnostic to BU/Division, in that case, their Category will state "Multiple".
Budget Brand - Brand within Category that the budget comes from/belongs to. This is the next more granular level, down from Budget Category. Assigning Budget Brand when creating a budget ensures only that brand's activities can be funded by the budget. If a budget is given for entire Category (BU or Division) then Budget Brand should be kept at default "Multiple" value.
Budget Product - Product within Brand that the budget comes from/belongs to. Some budgets have to be narrowly prescribed to support specific product within a brand portfolio. In this case, the Budget Owner will create a budget that will not only specify Budget Category and Budget Brand but go deeper to select Budget Product as well. If the Budget owner wants to let users apply the budget to any product within Brand, the Budget Product should be kept at default "Multiple" value.
Budget Type - Client-specific internally acceptable budget types describing the kinds of funding. For instance, some examples of the budget type are Brand-Specific, Scale Budgets, Consumer Promotions, Slotting Conversion, etc.
Budget Number/ID - Client-specific internal unique identifiers for sources of funds, such as WBS numbers, IOs, or Project IDs that are used in Finance reporting and help link Shopperatiosn with other budgeting systems.
Budget Designation - Three types of budget designation are possible in Shopperations: Non-Coupon, Coupon, and Any. Depending on the client organization's finance process and requirements, separate budgets may be issued for media (non-coupon) and redemption (coupon). If a client doesn't require such breakout, the default value "Any" can be used.
Budget Owner - a user who either originally created the budget or who the budget was delegated to. Budget owner is the only one who can delete budgets. To delete someone else's budget, the user has to first delegate the budget to themselves. Budget Owner will be notified if a note/comment is added to their budget, even if they are not explicitly tagged in the note. Please note, Budget Owner may be different from Event Owner on the same team.
Base Standard Cases - Estimated, or projected Base part of the event's volume sales, expressed in standard cases. Base Standard Cases + Incremental Standard Cases = Total Standard Cases.
Base Standard Cases Actual - Actual Base part of the event's volume sales, expressed in Standard Cases. Base Standard Cases Actual + Incremental Standard Cases Actual = Total Standard Cases Actual.
Base $ - Estimated, or projected Base part of the event's dollar sales. Base $ + Incremental $ = Total $.
Base Actual $ - Actual Base part of the event's dollar sales. Base Actual $ + Incremental Actual $ = Total Actual $
Event Name - Name of the Marketing Event, or Program. Doesn't have to be unique.
Event Start & End Dates - Dates on which events start and end. Can be different from the Tactic Dates that are part of the same Event.
Event Start & End Period - The fiscal periods, according to the client organization's Fiscal Year calendar, when the event starts or ends. These values are captured automatically based on the event start and end dates.
Event Start & End Quarter - The fiscal quarter, according to the client organization's Fiscal Year calendar, when the event starts or ends. These values are captured automatically based on the event start and end dates.
Event Status - position of the event within its life cycle. Event Statuses range from "Estimating" (initial status) to "Presenting to Customer" (optional) to "Committed", then "Occurred" and "Finalized". Another useful status is "Cancelled", it allows the user to release budgets back to their original source while preserving the "shell" of the event with all its assumptions. Please note, some organizations label these default statuses with custom names.
Even Owner - a user who either originally created the event or who the event was delegated to. Event Owner will be notified if a note/discussion is added to their event, even if they are not explicitly tagged in the note. Please note, Event Owners may be different from Budget Owners on the same team.
Event Job # - an optional field for marketing agencies to capture their internal agency job numbers.
Event Initiative - A strategic client platform or initiative that is an important priority for them. Events are tagged with the Initiatives to allow summaries/roll-ups by initiatives. Only one initiative can be selected per event.
Event ID - Unique ID assigned to an event within the Shopperations database. Event ID is also part of event URL:
Event Tag - Keywords that can be associated with Events. Event Tags are similar to Event Initiative, but multiple tags per event can be added. While there typically is a limited number of priorities/initiatives an organization may focus on, the number of tags can be long. Anything that cannot be coded in Shopperations as part of structured data entry can be listed as a tag. For instance, some organizations track seasons, usage or shopping occasions, target consumer segments, etc.
Fiscal Year - Client Organization's internal Fiscal Year. Shopperations sets up Fiscal Years, Quarters and Periods according to each client's official fiscal year dates to enable accurate financial reports.
Invoice Name - A "ghost field" - please ignore for now. It is not visible to users, therefore cannot be populated and reported on.
Invoice Number - A number on the vendor invoice, helps identify the invoice among many for the same vendor. The Invoice Number can be used to search for invoice entries on the Invoices page.
Invoice Type: Both Invoices and Deductions can be entered in Shopperations. Invoice Type field allows you to differentiate them.
Invoice Vendor - Vendor who billed the client. May or may not be the same as Tactic Vendor in cases when an agency does media buying on the client's behalf. For instance, Tactic Vendor can be Google, while Invoice Vendor is the Media Agency.
Invoice Status - Reflects the stage of invoice processing and allows users to track which invoices have been just Received vs. Submitted to Pay, Approved or Paid.
Invoice Date - Date on the vendor invoice. Please note, Invoice date can be different from the date invoice was received and entered in the system for payment.
Incremental Standard Cases - Estimated, or projected Incremental part of the event's volume sales, expressed in standard cases. Base Standard Cases + Incremental Standard Cases = Total Standard Cases.
Incremental Standard Cases Actual - Actual Incremental part of the event's volume sales, expressed in Standard Cases. Base Standard Cases Actual + Incremental Standard Cases Actual = Total Standard Cases Actual.
Incremental $ - Estimated, or projected Incremental part of the event's dollar sales. Base $ + Incremental $ = Total $.
Incremental Actual $ - Actual Incremetnal part of the event's dollar sales. Base Actual $ + Incremental Actual $ = Total Actual $
Purchase Oder # - PO numbers associated with the tactic. This field may have a custom name for each client organization.
Retailer - Retail Customer. Each Retailer can have a separate page within Shopperations where its budgets, events, and invoices are stored.
Team - a collection of one or more pages that same users (team members) can access. Teams can be retailer-facing or centralized. For instance, Grocery Team may manage several retail customers' pages, while the Consumer Promotions team would manage national programs that are not customer-specific. Team members can see each other's content, delegate budgets and events to each other, as well as tag other team members in Event Notes and Discussions.
Tactic Name - Pre-Determined drop-down values for marketing tactics used within an event. Tactics are Events' "building blocks". "Tactic TBD" name is available to describe ambiguity when further work is needed to define the tactical plans for an event.
Tactic Media Type - Higher level tactic order, or groups of tactics. For instance, "Digita" Media Type may have Tactic Names "Ditial Banners", "Digital Coupons", "Microsite" or "E-mail" within it.
Tactic Type - Non-Coupon or Coupon are the two Tactic Types available. When users create tactics and pick products to be featured in them, they are asked to pick the Tactic Type. A megaphone icon is then displayed next to the entry if the user picked "Coupon" and a barcode icon if the user picked "Non-Coupon".
Tactic Vendor - Media Company, Agency partner, Coupon Clearinghouse provider, Retail Customers (in case of deductions) or any other internal or external service provider can be entered into Shopperations Vendor list and picked by the users for each tactic. Please note, Tactic Vendor may be different from Invoice Vendor in situations with indirect procurement. For example, Tactic Vendor who sells media could be Google, however, if a media agency is buying media on client behalf and then billing the client would be the Invoice Vendor.
Tactic Brand - Brand that is featured in the tactic. Multiple brands can be featured in the same tactic.
Tactic Product - Product within the brand that is featured in the tactic. Multiple products from the same brand can be featured in the same tactic.
Tactic Category - Category (Divison or BU) that featured Brand/Product belongs to. This information is captured automatically as the user selects Brands/Products for tactics.
Tactic Start & End Date - Dates on which tactics start and end. Please note, while tactics grandfather event dates by default, they can be changed. Multiple tactics within the event can have different dates. The event duration will automatically adjust to start with the earliest tactic's start date and end with the latest tactic end date.
Tactic Start & End Period - The fiscal periods, according to the client organization's Fiscal Year calendar, when the tactic starts or ends. These values are captured automatically based on the tactic start and end dates.
Tactic Start & End Quarter - The fiscal quarter, according to the client organization's Fiscal Year calendar, when the tactic starts or ends. These values are captured automatically based on the tactic start and end dates.
Tactic Quantity - Media impressions, clicks, coupon circulation, e.g. the number of units bought.
Tactic Coupon Code - Unique coupon offer ID, typically 5-6 digits that clearinghouses generate to track coupon performance. For the organizations where coupon clearinghouse data integration enabled, this populating this field will allow mapping offers to events and tactics.
Tactic Expiration Date - Date until the coupon is valid/redeemable.
Tactic Coupon Purchase Req - Number of units to be bought to qualify for the coupon discount.
Tactic Redemption - Estimated, or projected percent of coupons that will be redeemed. Please note, this number may vary from the clearinghouse Forecast Redemption because it's manually populated by the users.
Tactic Final Billed - Yes/No value to indicate whether the tactic within an event has been fully billed/actualized. The rest of the event's tactics may still be in the process of being actualized. The Final Billed toggle in the user interface allows a user to only focus on those tactics that still need to be worked on.
Tactic Description - optional free short text field to capture more details and nuances about the tactic.
Tactic GL code - General Ledger Code is automatically assigned to tactics if the GL codes are populated by the system admin in the tactic list hierarchy file. Allows reporting to Finance at the GL level.
Tactic Estimated Spend - Estimated, or projected spend for the tactic. Can be reported on a total tactic or Brand/Product level.
Tactic Actual Spend - Actual expenses incurred to date - Invoices, Deductions, Coupon Redemptions received and entered for a given tactic.
Tactic Allocated Budget - Amount of funds to be taken from a specific budget source to fund the tactic. This is one of the most important values in Shopperations, as it is this number that gets reported to Finance and allows to commit events. Having only Estimated Spend for a tactic but no Allocated Budget makes it impossible to understand where money will come from. Linking tactics with budgets is the "allocation" process.
Budget Disbursed - Funds that are formally given to a team to plan against. If Disbursed budget is less than Allocated, it means that the planning is not yet complete and the "under-allocated" budget amount has no plan behind it. Please note, you should not be using "Budget Disbursed" in combination with Event, Tactic or Invoice fields. "Disbursed" is a property of a budget and will not show properly if more granular views by Event, Tactic or Invoice are needed.
Invoice Amount - Amount stated on the vendor invoice. When allocating Invoice Amount to multiple tactics and brands, it's important to make sure that the sum of all breakouts is equal to the total Invoice Amount. Otherwise, the invoice cannot be saved, and the system will require the user to correct the discrepancy.
Tactic Unit Cost/Coupon Value - Either media unit cost, such as cost per impression (CPI), Cost per Click (CPC), cost per mailed coupon, etc. OR cost of one redemption, in other words, the face value of a coupon. To help understand which one of the two is shown, use "Tactic Type" field in combination with Tactic Unit Cost/Coupon Value.
Total Standard Cases - Estimated, or projected Total event volume sales, expressed in standard cases. Base Standard Cases + Incremental Standard Cases = Total Standard Cases.
Total Standard Cases Actual - Actual Total event volume sales, expressed in Standard Cases. Base Standard Cases Actual + Incremental Standard Cases Actual = Total Standard Cases Actual.
Total $ - Estimated, or projected Total event dollar sales. Base $ + Incremental $ = Total $.
Total Actual $ - Actual Total event dollar sales. Base Actual $ + Incremental Actual $ = Total Actual $