1. Correct the coupon codes within your event before doing any unmatching to save steps.
2. Ensure you are in the single page context of the Retailer (or Brand) and not the "Teams" context.
3. Go to the Matched Coupons page
4. Find the coupon(s) that need to be unmatched. Use the search box to search by offer code.
5. Click the three-dot menu on the far right and select Undo Match. (Make sure you are in the retailer context, not Teams, to see this option).
This action breaks the initial match so that Shopperations can establish a new match.
6. Go to the Coupons for Review page.
7. Find the same offer using the search box if needed.
8. The offer should already show a new match to the correct line assuming you completed step 1 and have the offer codes correctly inputted in the event tactics now.
9. Click the three-dot menu on the far right and select Match Coupon.